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  • Writer's pictureChristine

Introducing the Change-Maker's Coalition!

Since the Fall of 2020, over 200 educators have participated in our Trauma-Informed Education and Supporting Marginalized Students courses!

What this tells me is that educators recognize the importance of adopting a trauma-informed approach in the classroom, and want to actively engage in strategies that will support their students, in school and beyond. If you are one of these participants, you know that I continually remind educators that "You can't be trauma-informed unless you are actively working to identify and dismantle inequities" and that I urge you to become a change-maker in your schools and communities.

Over the years, however, I have heard many of you tell me that this work is challenging, as you face resistance from administration members, the long-term teachers, parents, and others--people who don't understand that responding to difficult behaviors in a trauma-informed manner isn't letting a kid "off," but building connection, responding with compassion and empathy, and ensuring the response is more about repairing harm than punishment.

I also know that the work of challenging inequities is difficult and emotional, and can wear away at your reserves over time, especially if you lack support. Yet I know that many of you are actively doing this work. There's no need for you each to do this alone, or to start from scratch in one school, when there's a approach that worked in another. Why recreate the wheel?

The Change-Maker's Coalition is a networking and support group for current and past course participants.

The group is intended to serve as a place where participants can exchange ideas, brainstorm about challenges, and provide encouragement and support to others engaged in the sometimes arduous work of being an equitable educator and societal change-maker, focused on improving the lives of our students.

In an attempt to connect participants in a meaningful and easily-accessible way, I've created a private FaceBook group where you can ask questions, seek support, and engage in group chats.

Hitting a wall with your administration?

Looking for funding for a new program designed to help

families and students experiencing homelessness?

Seeking ideas for family handbook revisions?

Post in the group and see what has worked for others!

Whether you are looking for ideas or just some support after a hard day, the hope is that this becomes your go-to place to find others who share your goals and approach. Please use this as your space, and let's develop a community of invested educators who can truly become effective change-makers for the good of their students, schools, and communities!

I'll also be sure to keep you updated on the work I'm engaged in, and if there's interest, we can schedule networking events in the future. This is your connection space, so let me know what would be helpful!

You can find the group through this link.

I'll also be sending emails inviting

participants directly to the group.

And, of course, if you wish to join the group at anytime and can't find the link or invitation, just contact me. You'll be asked to confirm which course you took, and then be approved to join the group. This is just a way to ensure that all participants are starting from the same foundation, and ensure we are all working with the same understandings.

If you'd like to help manage the group, as a monitor or discussion/event facilitator, please reach out to me, and we'll work something out. Let's try some things and see what works best to make this a dynamic and helpful resource!

Stay well,



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